Saturday, March 05, 2005

I Have Lived

I was born so that I could live
A child my parents could love
I grew up poor and new it
If I could change that
I don’t think I would
Although I would change a few other things

I was embarrassed by my parents
And proud to be blessed
By treasures I call mom and dad
I have lived

I was loved and have loved
I have broken hearts and had my heart broken
I have been proposed to on three occasions
But have never been engaged

I believe single is underrated
Relationships aren’t so bad either
I have been a friend and have been friendless
But I like having friends better
I have lived

I have been care giver, nanny, waitress, pet store manager,
Minister, radio announcer and videographer
I have been unemployed and self employed
I call myself an aromatherapist
But I am a worshiper at heart
I have lived

I have been a singer and actress and dancer
I have been artist and poet and writer
Always better then some but never quite good enough

I have even been a model - hard to believe I am sure
Although, God help me I am embarrassed to admit it
Something’s you just have to come to terms with
I have lived

I have climbed mountains
Repelled into caves
And hiked in unimaginable beauty

For as long as I can remember
I have longed for the mountains
And found peace by the sea
I have lived

I have lived in the past
I have lived in the future
And have learned the present is far less painful

I have lived in the spot light
And I have never been noticed
I have been thin and fat
But definitely like being thin better
I have lived

I have grieved for the living
The dying and the dead
With sadness unspeakable
Disappointments to numerous to remember
I have lived

I have lived with joy unimaginable
Laughed so hard I have cried
Played and laughed and loved
And long to play and laugh and love more
Forgetting how to hurt
I have lived

I have lived under lies but know the truth
I have loved too much and not enough
For better or worse
With sadness and joy
And with determination
I have lived

I am a child of the King
And find comfort in sitting on my Fathers lap
I love to hear His heart beat
As I rest my head upon His chest

I am betrothed to the Son of God –
The ultimate Bridegroom
I have lived

I have trembled in the presence of the Holy Spirit
Spoke in unknown tongs
Danced with angels till dawn

I have laughed with holy laughter
Cried holy tears
And stand in awe of miracles
I have lived

When all is said and done
Life lived with joy and sadness
I will look into my Father’s eyes
And find completeness
For I have lived with Him by my side